UK arrests teen suspected of hacking CIA chief

British authorities, with help from the FBI, have arrested a teenager who infiltrated the personal email account of the director of the CIA and posting personal details online.

The 16-year-old boy was arrested in the East Midlands on Tuesday Feb 09 as part of an investigation in to the data breach of John Brennan’s emails last year.
For the past several months, a group calling itself “Crackas With Attitude” has been disclosing private information associated with such high-ranking officials as CIA Director John Brennan, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson.

Information about rank-and-file employees working for the FBI, Justice Department and the Department of Homeland Security were posted online this week, though sources described the pilfered information as amounting to an internal phone directory.

Authorities suspect so-called “social engineering” may have helped those responsible gain access to the federal systems, according to one U.S. official.

But a spokesman for the South East Regional Organized Crime Unit would neither confirm nor deny what he called “speculation” linking the arrest to the hacks targeting U.S. officials.

Social engineering essentially involves a hacker gaining access to a system by sending an email to someone and pretending to be a known or trusted associate of the recipient.

“There is no indication at this time that there is any breach of sensitive or personally identifiable information,” DHS said in a statement earlier this week.

But officials expressed concern that more sensitive information was accessed and could be released.

In October, a personal AOL email account associated with CIA Director Brennan, and containing personally identifiable information, was hacked, as was an account linked to DHS Secretary Johnson.

Sources said it did not appear Brennan used the account for government business after he became CIA director. Johnson’s targeted account also was not used regularly, sources said at the time.

U.S. authorities began to identify what they thought was a group of suspects at least two months ago, ultimately narrowing in on the 16-year-old in England, the sources said.

Hacker leaks Bangladesh Intelligence classified Emails

Indian hacker, Godzilla hack Directorate General of Forces Intelligence Bangladesh and leaks classified Emails from server.

Indian hacker, Godzilla once again hit Bangladesh government server. Hacker told us about his latest cyber attack on Directorate General of Forces Intelligence Bangladesh (DGFI – server . He claimed to back up all confidential mails in the server and list of all their agents around the globe.

Hacker leaks Bangladesh Intelligence classified Emails

Hacker leaks Bangladesh Intelligence classified Emails

Hacker taunt Bangladesh govt , “To all stupid Intelligence people of Bangladesh do you know what is security??, Iam really felling pitty for you.

Through a paste note, hacker leak one sample mail (funny one), which is the conversation between Dewan Mamoon and DGFI Director. Some words from email are, “I love the CIA. I love the DGFI. I love the Bangladesh armed forces. I love America and I love Bangladesh.” and “I know that you are the ones to thank for sponsoring me in Bangladesh and the CIA for sponsoring me in America.”

Compromised Intelligence server claimed to be full of sensitive information. In past year, Godzilla had hacked many Bangladeshi and Pakistani Government and Military websites.